Who I Am
I'm Monica, your partner in resilience and growth.
Imagine having a guide who’s not just a psychologist, but also a mindfulness trainer and expert in coaching and NLP.
Well, that’s me!
I’m here to empower you with the tools and insights needed to ignite real transformation in your life. But guess what? That’s just the beginning. With my background in Gestalt therapy and Zen meditation, I’ll take you on a journey that goes beyond quick fixes, offering a holistic approach for you.
For me, work isn’t just a job—it’s my way of connecting with people and finding joy in nourishing them. Helping people craft impactful presentations in English or Spanish is my passion. In every Mindfulness session, my goal is simple: to boost your confidence and energy. And also, to lose the fear of public speaking!

In my workshops, I bring a sense of calm and presence to the chaos of work stress. When you work with me, you’ll definitely feel a boost of confidence and energy that’s contagious.
People who know me say I have a knack for truly listening and giving spot-on feedback. As a friend, I’m the one you can confide in, no matter how bizarre the situation. Since I became a mother three years ago, life has become even more enjoyable, and I love sharing that journey on social media.